Banner is a closed system and an administrative interface that allows authorized users with legitimate needs to perform administrative duties within major functional areas. Patriot Web is a self-service site for students, faculty, and staff to manage their administrative records and accounts.
To provide the Mason community with the best data and reporting experience, the BIS Group is also responsible for implementing and maintaining the university-wide web-based Business Intelligence reporting tool such as MicroStrategy.
Custom Applications Support provides back-end support for Banner including customization, data analysis and integration, as well as custom software support.
This service contains different offerings that can be used to automate all or part of a document process.
The Enterprise Data Integration Services (EDIS) Group offers systems integration and data exchange services.
Finance Technology Services develops technical solutions and provides daily operational support within Banner Finance, Banner Student Accounts Receivable and interconnected systems for Fiscal Services departments including General Accounting, Student Accounts Receivable, Purchasing, Accounts Payable, and Travel, as well as partner administrative and academic units across George Mason.
This service is used to request HR data for your department, request access to Banner, request upload/download of data, or report issues with Banner.
This service is used to update Mason applications such as Office 365 services after a legal name change.
ITS provides troubleshooting and customer assistance to authorized users of Patriot Web, including tech support, and access management.
The Portfolio and Project Management Office (PPMO) supports consistent portfolio and project management practices for Information Technology Services (ITS), enabling project leaders to successfully deliver their promised value to their customers. All current projects and requests in Mason’s Project Inventory are tracked and managed via a dashboard. The dashboard consists of multiple visualizations, each offering multiple options to sort and filter the information to see what is most relevant to you.
Salesforce is one of Mason’s customer relationship management (CRM) platforms that is used to manage the student experience at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Custom applications are needed when off-the-shelf software packages are not available or able to meet certain needs such as 2FA, Password Management, Travel Reimbursement and other applications built for Mason use.