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This service allows non-ITS departments to have a 3rd Party Vendor maintenance added to the ITS Maintenance calendar.

Request an account to be closed or report an account has been closed incorrectly.

This service is used to request a URL be added to the Cisco Umbrella Service or the Mason Email Mason's antivirus and antispam protection systems or request the External Email Notification Banner be removed from emails being sent from an application to Mason emails.

The Architectural Standards Review Board (ASRB) is responsible for reviewing, verifying compliance, and providing recommendations for new and upgrade software and hardware procurement projects.

Some university processes or departmental business may require working with Highly Sensitive Data (HSD). In such cases, authorization is required to ensure this data is used in compliance with university, state, and federal standards and stored properly and securely.

Banner is a closed system and an administrative interface that allows authorized users with legitimate needs to perform administrative duties within major functional areas. Patriot Web is a self-service site for students, faculty, and staff to manage their administrative records and accounts.

To provide the Mason community with the best data and reporting experience, the BIS Group is also responsible for implementing and maintaining the university-wide web-based Business Intelligence reporting tool such as MicroStrategy.

Mason offers Cable Television Service for campus buildings and residence halls.