ITS - New

Our services are designed to help you succeed at Mason. Search our services, knowledge articles, how-to guides, FAQs, and more.

ITS Support Center
Innovation Hall, Room 226

Categories (11)

ITS General Help

General information related to support and services provided by ITS.

Accounts & Access

Services and information that help you to gain access to the systems you need to succeed at Mason.

Communications & Collaboration

Services and information on Mason's email systems for faculty, staff, and students, as well as the collaboration tools available to help make Mason able to work smarter.

Computers & Software

Services and information on managed computer systems and available software at Mason.

Information Security

Services and information about IT Security.

Network & Internet Services

Service and information about Mason's network, internet access, and web hosting.

Pilot Services

Services and information about pilot services. Please note that pilot services may not be widely available, and support levels may vary.

Professional Services

Services and information on IT professional services for Mason employees, such as project management, television production, and training.

Research Computing

Services and information to power your research with Mason's virtual computing infrastructure and tools.

Teaching & Learning

Services and information on systems specific to the needs of the classrooms, faculty, and students at Mason.

University Applications

Services and information on university-wide applications, including Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management, document automation, and data integration support.