Communications & Collaboration

Services related to Mason's email and collaboration systems.

Services (6)

Allowlist Request

This service is used to request a URL be added to the Cisco Umbrella Service or the Mason Email Mason's antivirus and antispam protection systems or request the External Email Notification Banner be removed from emails being sent from an application to Mason emails.

Data Jack

Mason provides access to its network and telephone service via data jacks that are located in university buildings. Not all jacks are activated at all times.

Email Services

Office 365, Mason’s email and calendar system, contains tools to support collaboration. This includes creating distribution lists for mass mailings, generic accounts for use by departments/clubs, and blocking unwanted messages (SPAM). In addition, you can request a change to how your name is displayed.

Microsoft 365 Products & Apps

Microsoft allows George Mason University to provide the latest version of Microsoft Office, Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise, and other Microsoft products at no cost. Access is tied to your Mason email address.

Phone & Voicemail Services

Telephone lines and voice mailboxes are provided for faculty, staff, departmental spaces, and student organizations. These services are in transition as we work towards retiring the Avaya system and implementing the new Vonage system. For project updates, visit the Telecom System Replacement Roadmap

Webconferencing Tools & Support

Webconferencing tools are available for use in classes and meetings.