Endpoint Management Services Support

Mason supports Mason-Owned and Managed endpoint devices. This includes all non-departmental classrooms and labs.


BeyondTrust is a remote support tool that allows Information Technology Services (ITS) and IT support staff to provide support to our customers anywhere with internet access. ITS can view and control Windows, Mac, and Linux anywhere there is an internet connection, but only with the customer’s permission. Departments outside ITS may also leverage BeyondTrust to securely provide remote support to their customers. Users with computer issues who contact the ITS Support Center may be requested to accept a BeyondTrust support session.


Intune is a cloud-based tool for providing endpoint device and application management services. It enables ITS to improve the management and security of Mason-owned devices running Microsoft Windows. Mason-owned Windows devices are enrolled in Intune automatically. Once enrolled, devices receive monthly Windows updates or other services provided by Intune whether they are connected to the Mason network or not. 

Jamf Pro

Jamf Pro is a software tool for managing Mason-owned Mac computers.

Macs that enable ITS to manage their computer allow ITS to:
  • Inventory hardware
  • Distribute software and fixes
  • Improve security
  • Get a better understanding of the Mac community at Mason

Once you enroll your Mason-owned Mac in Jamf Pro, the Mason Self Service app will appear. You will be able to install approved software on-demand from the Mason Self Service app.

  • Download on-Demand approved software from Mason Self Service
  • Quick access to bookmarks to popular Mason websites
  • Allows administrators to track and manage equipment life cycles
  • Allows administrators to deploy software and policies


Installing approved software on personal devices is a violation of Mason's software licenses.

To enroll a Mason-owned Mac go to mac.gmu.edu.

System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM)

SCCM is a Microsoft tool for managing Mason-owned computers running Microsoft Windows that enables ITS to inventory hardware, distribute software, improve security, and get a better understanding of the computers at Mason.

... (READ MORE) To use all the features of SCCM, ensure your Mason-owned computer is on MESA with a functioning SCCM client, and you must be a Mason employee. You must be connected to the Mason Ethernet network or VPN network to use the features of SCCM. Benefits include:
  • Mason licensed applications available on demand
  • No need to wait for a tech to come out and install software
  • Single self-service software portal interface for all Mason software
  • No need for additional administrator rights
  • Customized software installs for users/departments
  • Allows administrators to track and manage equipment lifecylces
  • Allows administrators to deploy software and policies

On Mason-owned Windows computers that are joined to MESA, applications to install are available in the Software Center. For applications not available in the Software Center, submit a request for software installation.

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Service Offering Id: 46
Mon 4/22/24 9:07 AM
Mon 8/26/24 10:20 AM
ITS Support Center
Hours of Operation:
Monday –Thursday: 8 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: 1 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Walk-in Assistance
Innovation 226
Hours: Mo -Th 8:30 a.m. - 7 p.m.

(closed Thursday 3 p.m. – 4 p.m. for a team meeting)
Phone: 703-993-8870
Email: support@gmu.edu