

A feed entry that has already been posted.


Name Required? Type Nullable? Summary
ID Int32 The ID of the feed entry.
CreatedUid Guid The UID of the feed entry's creator.
CreatedRefID Int32 The integer-based ID of the feed entry's creator.
CreatedFullName String The full name of the feed entry's creator.
CreatedFirstName String This field is nullable. The first name of the feed entry's creator.
CreatedLastName String This field is nullable. The last name of the feed entry's creator.
CreatedByPicPath String This field is nullable. The profile image file path of the feed entry's creator.
CreatedDate DateTime The created date of the feed entry.
LastUpdatedDate DateTime The last-modified date of the feed entry.
ProjectID Int32 The ID of the project/workspace/request associated with the feed entry.
ProjectName String This field is nullable. The name of the project/workspace/request associated with the feed entry.
PlanID Int32 The ID of the parent item associated with the feed entry.
PlanName String This field is nullable. The name of the parent item associated with the feed entry.
ItemType TeamDynamix.Api.Feed.FeedItemType The type of the item associated with the feed entry.
ItemID Int32 The integer ID of the item associated with the feed entry.
ItemTitle String This field is nullable. The title of the item associated with the feed entry.
ReferenceID Guid This field is nullable. The GUID of the item associated with the feed entry.
Body This field is required. String The body of the feed entry.
IsRichHtml Boolean Indicates if the feed entry is rich-text or plain-text
UpdateType TeamDynamix.Api.Feed.UpdateType The update type of the feed entry.
NotifiedList String This field is nullable. The list of notified users associated with the feed entry.
IsPrivate Boolean The private status of the feed entry.
IsParent Boolean Indicates if the feed entry is a parent of other feed entries.
Replies TeamDynamix.Api.Feed.ItemUpdateReply[] This field is nullable. The replies to the feed entry.
RepliesCount Int32 The number of replies to the feed entry.
Likes TeamDynamix.Api.Feed.ItemUpdateLike[] This field is nullable. The likes associated with the feed entry.
ILike Boolean Indicates whether the user retrieving the feed entry has liked it.
LikesCount Int32 The number of people who have liked the feed entry.
IsCommunication Boolean Whether or not the feed entry is a communication
Participants TeamDynamix.Api.Feed.Participant[] This field is nullable. The participants associated with the feed entry.
BreadcrumbsHtml String This field is nullable. The breadcrumb HTML associated with the feed entry.
HasAttachment Boolean Not used.
Uri String The URI to retrieve the full details of the feed entry via the web API.