How can ITS help you
Please select an option. There may be differences in the form based of your selection.
How can ITS help you

If you know your NetID and Password, please click on Sign In above before completing this form

Please enter your G-Number if applicable
Please enter your Mason email address if applicable
Email Issues
If you are reporting an issue with your Mason email address, please provide either a phone number or Non-Mason Email as your Contact method, not your Mason Email address.
Describe your issue in detail.
Press Alt + 0 within the editor to access accessibility instructions, or press Alt + F10 to access the menu.
Please enter the building and room number of your on campus location OR "remote" if not on campus.
Alternate Contact Method
If you have a preference such as first call phone number, then email, select "Other, please explain". A Non-Mason Email address may not be allowed based on the service.
Alternate Contact Method
If "Non-Mason Email address" is not in the list above, it is not be allowed as a contact method based on the service. This field is to be used to specify contact methods, such as "call first, then email, do not leave voicemail."
File attachments associated with the ticket.
Mason Only

Other Fields

Your name
Verification Code